What I am agreeing to – Dual Status
Here at Kanopi Contract Services we want to be sure you understand what we do and how everything works so that you can be sure that working on this contract works for you. We have highlighted the main points below and just click on any/all of them for more information.
You work on the assignment agreed with the agency for their client but you do so working for us.
They agree a charge rate with the agency that includes your pay and that is the lions share as it should be. But as well as the agency’s costs (as they specialise in sorting out the job and getting the right workforce, the right experience, qualifications etc) it also includes all the engagement costs.
As we are the company that handles your engagement and payment. If you worked for the client or the agency then they would have to pay this cost but as you work for us it just passes down in the rates agreed and then we pay it from the money we receive. Where possible we reduce these costs, and when we can, you benefit.
Dual Status is a self-employed contract but with PAYE deducted at source and you can choose to work this way as it gives you the flexibility of self-employment but with no need for a tax return.
There are certain assignments where this is the only option. Where this is the case you need to make sure you are happy with the arrangements.
The terms that make up the contract between us are clear that you are not our employee nor are you our worker. We do though have to consider another rule when we pay you and because of this we must account for tax as if you were an employee.
You are not an employee and you are not a worker so you have none of those rights. You have no right to National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage, no right to holiday pay or a pension. It does however allow you to determine how much you work for and when you work.
You always need to consider that the rate agreed is the rate payable to us and our costs will always have to be taken from the money received. So our “deemed employer” costs, including Employers National Insurance are part of these.
It is therefore very important that the rate you agree with the agency is enough to cover these costs in addition to what you want to be paid.